Standard and Artistic styles defined in json, along with standard fonts and icons for the Aegir base style are provided in this sample style endpoint that is used for our internal demos and can be used as a reference for your own styling.
Two examples provided here are: style_default.json and style_artistic.json
Property-name | Required | Supported-layer-type | Description |
id | yes | Identifier for this style definition. For venues with multiple styles, this identifier should be unique | |
name | no | Common name used to describe this style | |
version | yes | Spec format version. Certain versions of the VMSDK may only support certain versions of this spec format. | |
styles | yes | Container for list of style layer customizations | |
styles[].layer-id | yes | All | The ID of the style layer. See Possible Style Layer ID Patterns section below for acceptable values. |
styles[].hidden | no | All | Specify as true to hide this layer. Default: false. |
styles[].fill-color | no | Polygon | A HEX color to fill the polygon with. Default: NULL. |
styles[].fill-pattern | no | Polygon | This is the name of an image from the style’s sprite sheet to pattern fill the polygon with. Default: NULL. |
styles[].line-color | no | Line | A HEX color to draw the line with. Default: NULL. |
styles[].icon-name | no | Icon | This is the name of an image from the style’s sprite sheet. Default: NULL. |
styles[].font-name | no | Label | This is the name of a font to use for the labels. Default: NULL. |
styles[].font-size | no | Label | The point size of the font. Default: NULL. |
styles[].font-color | no | Label | A HEX color of the font: Default: NULL. |
styles[].font-stroke-color | no | A HEX color for the font outline. Default: NULL. | |
styles[].font-stroke-width | no | This is the width of an outline for the font. Default: NULL. | |
styles[].max-text-width | no | Controls automatic text wrapping within a label. Default: NULL. | |
wayfinding | no | Container for list of wayfinding style customizations. | |
wayfinding.path-stroke-width | no | A decimal value indicating how thick the stroke is for the default wayfinding path. Default: NULL. | |
wayfinding.path-stroke-color | no | A HEX color to draw the wayfinding path. Default: NULL. | |
wayfinding.path-stroke-alpha | no | A decimal value from 0 to 1 to indicate how transparent the default wayfinding path is. Default: NULL. | |
wayfinding.highlighted-path-stroke-width | no | A decimal value indicating how thick the stroke is for the highlighted section of the wayfinding path. Default: NULL. | |
wayfinding.highlighted-path-stroke-color | no | A HEX color to draw a highlighted section of the wayfinding path. Default: NULL. | |
wayfinding.highlighted-path-stroke-alpha | no | A decimal value from 0 to 1 to indicate how transparent the highlighted section of the wayfinding path is. Default: NULL. |
This is a list of possible layer-IDs that can be styles per the style spec above. Some layers apply only to raster or vector, while others apply to both. This is indicated in the ‘tile-type’ column below. This list is ordered by the zIndex they would appear in the map: layers with a higher Order will appear on top of those with lower values.
Supported wildcards:
When wildcards are used, the specific style will be applied to all layers that match. For example, floor_elevators_[FLOOR] will be used for the floor_elevators_* layer on ALL floors in ALL buildings.
If you want to confine a unique style to a layer on a single floor, then don’t use the wildcard. For example floor_elevators_floor_b1_2 would apply to the floor_elevators layer ONLY on floor 2 in building 1.
Order | Layer-ID | Tile-type | Layer-type | Description |
1 | background | All | Polygon | Background color of the entire map that is visible when the base map is hidden. |
2 | venue | vector | Polygon | “venue_outdoors” polygon. |
3 | outdoors | All | n/a | Raster map tiles that are part of the venue outdoor floor. |
4 | building_outlines_[BUILDING] | vector | Polygon | Building-outlines polygon for the given [BUILDING]. |
5 | floor_outlines_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | Floor-outlines polygon for the given [FLOOR]. |
6 | floor_elevators_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | Elevator polygons for the given [FLOOR]. |
7 | floor_stairwells_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | Stairwell polygons for the given [FLOOR]. |
8 | floor_restrooms_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | “Restroommen” and “restroomwomen” polygons for the given [FLOOR]. |
9 | floor_walkways_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | Walkway polygons for the given [FLOOR]. |
10 | floor_fixtures_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | Floor fixture polygons for the given [FLOOR]. |
11 | floor_non_public_units_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | Non-public unit polygons for the given [FLOOR]. |
12 | floor_open_to_below_units_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | “Open to below” unit polygons (such as open atrium spaces) for the given [FLOOR]. |
13 | floor_other_rooms_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | “Other room” polygons for the given [FLOOR]. |
14 | floor_rooms_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | Room polygons for the given [FLOOR]. |
15 | floor_water_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | Fixtures where category=Water for the given [FLOOR]. |
16 | floor_openings_[FLOOR] | vector | Line | Floor openings for the given [FLOOR]. |
17 | floor_amenities_[FLOOR] | vector | ** | Floor amenities for the given [FLOOR]. |
18 | floor_selected_unit_[FLOOR] | vector | Polygon | This is for the style of the actively selected polygon used during wayfinding & room selection for the given [FLOOR]. |
19 | floor_shadows_[FLOOR] | vector | n/a | Raster map tiles that are overlaid on top of existing vector data for the given [FLOOR] |
20 | floor_labels_[FLOOR] | All | Label | Labels for the given [FLOOR]. |
21 | floor_icons_[FLOOR] | All | Icon | Icons for the given [FLOOR]. |